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Seren Art
Art Gallery

Annunaki ET guide of Marina Seren
This channeled portrait is of on of my Anunnaki guides from the Capricorn constellation. They are deeply connected to the Hyperborean civilization and its wisdom and the druidic spiritual knowledge. They came various times to Earth to deliver teachings and wisdom to humanity. They are giant blue skinned ETs and they are very advanced.

Marina Seren's Higher Self
This is a portrait of the depiction of my Higher Self. She resonates strongly with Venusian and Andromedan energies, as well as Arcturian, that's why she express a subtle blue skin color and big lilac eyes.

Aldebaran guide of Marina Seren
This is a depiction of a Nordic/Pleiadian guide of Marina Seren from the Aldebaran constellation. The beings of Aldebaran contacted me in the astral and they taught me about my connection with them, from having channeled them as a Vril medium to having had various incarnations as one of them.

Arcturian for Sergio
This piece of ET art is a comission by customer Sergio Galaxias requesting a portrait of an Arcturian parallel aspect of his soul.

ARIDIF, Rob Gauthier's Pleiadian guide
Aridif is a pleiadian being of higher density of consciousness that offers wisdom and guidance through channel Rob Gauthier. You can check him out on his page

Arcturian Guide for Aaron Jesko
This portrait is a comission for a customer, and this is the message that came through along with the portrait: ''This entity is definitely is an Arcturian being. While they are very androgenous, due to the integration of the masculine and the feminine consciousness, this being is felt as a female to me probably because of her intense feminine energy of love and compassion so I'll use a ''her'' even tho it is androgenous to me. I sense this being might be from the 9th dimension, connected to the 9th dimensional Arcturian Council, that's actually why I felt her to be purely ethereal/non-physical. I feel this is one of your star guides here in this planet. Her iridescence in the skin symbolically represents the reflection of unconditional love with the rainbow colors, all colors of the spectrum, totally inclusive and in all frequencies. Though the color of this being is purple primarily, which reflects a lot the spirituality of higher dimensions. The golden colors represent a specific ray which is the Golden Light, a strong energy of intense bright Love, that you are connecting to and embracing. This being loves you unconditionally and is there for you for assistance and connection anytime.''

Antemedi, Andromedan guide of Rob Lomax
Antemedi is the andromedan guide of higher densities of channeler Rob Lomax, he offers great wisdom and guidance through him.

Mother Gaia
This is an artistic representation of Mother Gaia (the Earth'sconsciousness), taking care of the world and showering with love to humanity.

Pleiadian Hybrid Sisters
Pleiadian hybrid children sisters that I saw on an vision.
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