The Schrödinguer's experiment based on the laws of quantum mechanics, proposed that our reality is a simulation, and that consciousness creates reality:
''Schrödinger's cat is a thought experiment that illustrates an apparent paradox of quantum superposition. In the thought experiment, a hypothetical cat may be considered simultaneously both alive and dead as a result of being linked to a random subatomic event that may or may not occur. The experiment is the following: a cat, a flask of poison, and a radioactive source are placed in a sealed box. If an internal monitor detects radioactivity, the flask is shattered, releasing the poison, which kills the cat. Schrödinger states that after a while, the cat is simultaneously alive and dead. Yet, when one looks in the box, one sees the cat either alive or dead, not both alive and dead. This poses the question of when exactly quantum superposition ends and reality resolves into one possibility or the other.''
The double slit experiment gave a very clear proof of that: ''The double-slit experiment is a demonstration that light and matter can display characteristics of both classically defined waves and particles; moreover, it displays the fundamentally probabilistic nature of quantum mechanical phenomena.''
It basically consists on a laser beam illuminating a plate pierced by two parallel slits, and the light passing through the slits is observed on a screen behind the plate. When the scientific observers would not be observing directly which one of the slits the ''particles'' would be passing through, the result of the screen detector will show an interference pattern. In the other case though, if they would observe the path taken by the particles, the results of the screen would show an arbitrary pattern with no clear order. This means that in the second place, the particles would be behaving as what they are, but in the first place, when the particles were not being observed, they would be behaving as waves instead of particles.

This means that when there is no observer, a group of particles is nothing but a wave of quantum probability of all the possible paths or places in space-time that the particle could potentially choose as a possibility, whilst if there is an observer, one possibility is materialized by consciousness itself.
This demonstrates thus, that indeed Consciousness creates reality, and therefore, the material world and its infinite possibilities exists as a projection of consciousness.
So technically, we are not in the space-time tissue of the universe, rather, we are the very fabric of the universe, and we create our own reality. But, how exactly we do that? It cannot be arbitrary, right? Even if we know now that technically we do create our reality, it's always hard to assimilate due to the fact that we are mostly not aware of how we do that, so, what is the next step to prove that point?
Stay tuned and prepare for an exciting path of self discovery and become the Creator of your reality.
It is amazing to what explanations scientists are capable. But truth tells a different story. It tells us, that all is distortion in the “medium”. An electron is distortion in a field, what is the medium. The field (of the electron) but is distortion of smaller fields (the medium). In big and smaller scales it is the same up to infinity.
An electron doesn´t catch up with the slot or other electrons. It is much too small (and too powerful). But each field (where the energy of the electron operates) has a number of hyper-fields. And these fields guide electrons to behave like waves, and it doesn´t matter to be single or a convolute.
Spirit interacts through hyper fields from…
Häjj dear Marina! This is the first time I write here on your website. It is me Robert Jansson frå Wermland. I try to avoid writing too much on Instagram and I stopped writing on TwitterX. I have so many things I would like to tell you.
I red about the Schrödinger's cat experiment in 1987 in the book "God and the New Physics" by Paul Davies. I don't have the book any longer, I lent it to someone and didn't get it back. It was one of my favourite books.
I wanted to tell you about my UFO experience I had in 1986 some time.
I don't want you to block me on IG.
Now I will tell you…
I am very curious about you. I myself am psychic. I was given the torch of Thelema when I was young. I am directly connected into the lineage, as well as study under EJ Gold. I’ve anchored many parallel personalities quantumly using radio wave technologies. I voyage dimensions. I am also very aware of the level 33- 👁️🤫 Vril lizard reality-
Cloning -
I am of the middle path. I tread duality for the sole purpose of evolution and true will- I am cryptic however I know when I know - I’m sensing you remotely- I plan on making a move to California at some point not too far away to pursue my path- scan me and see …
Esto llebaba pensando yo hace mucho tiempo somos creados no digo que la naturaleza no hubiera podido hacer que la evolución llegará al mismo punto pero creo que alguien o algo acelero este proceso, siento mucha conexión con este tema y con marina, la verdad no conocía su existencia hasta que la vi en una entrevista hace poco en español, me impacto mucho y creo que su labor va a ser muy grande para la humanidad saludos y gracias por su labor .
Leave it to a man to create an experiment where an innocent cat has to suffer and die. This is what's wrong with our reality in the first place. If we chose love and kindness in the beginning perhaps we wouldn't question reality at all, as it would be a nice place to be.