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Experiencer Gallery
Pencil sketches of some of my experiences

Triangular craft
This is a drawing of a triangular ship I saw in Madrid, Spain, in the year 2017.

Black Helicopter
Drawing of a black helicopter I saw frequently flying really close to me. I will always see them mostly after an ET encounter or similar kind of experience.

This is a drawing of a group of Arcturian ETs that presented to me in dreams quite ofter during my awakening. They have been part of my path as spiritual guides for a long time and have given to me lots of downloads.

Pleiadian ET counterpart
This is my ET counterpart, he is from Pleiades and his name is Maiko. Apart from counterpart, he is my lover. I had intense experiences with this entity at nights in which we will have sexual interactions, and we would create eventually a hybrid child together.

UFO sighting in 2016 (Madrid, Spain)
This UFO sighting is one of the most obvious ones I had and I wasn't alone by them, I was with some of my school friends. We were in my terrace and I used a green laser and pointed it at the sky looking for ET contact. A bright object appeared in the sky out of nowhere and started to follow my laser in an irregular trajectory.

Reptilian encounter
This image describes the look of the navy-blue skinned reptilians I interacted with in the astral in 2017, in a place that looked something similar to a underground base. The nature of this beings were neutral or perhaps positive. We were conversating but I was not able to recall the information.

Human ETs
This is a drawing of a group of human ETs I interacted with in 2018. Their communication was purely telempathic and fast, their message to me was: ''Hello Marina, we are happy to observe that your reality is starting to be more like ours.''

Mantid being
This is an entity that I encountered in the astral in 2017. I was merging energetically with him, and I got that it was part of the hybrid programs.

Hybrid Presentation
This is a hybrid presentation I had in 2019. At my right there was a woman that would eventually give birth to the child that then they will present as my hybrid child. The baby has green skin and big black eyes. The beings are faceless in the drawing cause I can't recall their features.

ET beings on ship
After my encounter with two ET entities that were touching my legs while I was in bed, I went way from there and ended up in a ship with two ET males who were talking, and seemed to be related to the beings in my room. I got that it wa part of the Hybrid Programs.

ET encounter in my room
This drawing is depicting an experience I had in 2019 in which I was sleeping in my bed and two beings (one of them being my counterpart Maiko), were touching my legs.

Grey Encounter
These beings talked to me in 2019 in the dream realm. They shared with me that they appreciated my wisdom and ''philosophy of life''.

Abduction Recall
Drawing of a memory recall of an ET abduction on a med bed.

Large UFO crafts
This is a depiction of the ships I have seen often in the day time. Large ships that fly very low and appeared to me many times in many places. Their nature did seem to be related to the SSP or similar.
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